Beaver (Dene Zaa)
Chinook (Chinuk Wawa, Chinook Jargon, Chinook Wawa, Jargon)
Cree, Plains (Western)
The New Testament in the Cree language - 1859 -Rev. William Mason - 1859
The New Testament in the Cree language - 1862 - Rev. William Mason
Cree, Moose
The Four Gospels in the Cree Language - 1859 - Right Rev. John Horden
The New Testament Translated into the Cree Language - 1876 - Right Rev. John Horden
Cree, Swampy
Gwich'in (Tukudh, Tukkuthkutchin )
Mosis vit ettunettle ttyig Genesis, Exodus, Levitikus - 1890 - Archdeacon McDonald
Joshua to I. Samuel = Joshua enjit ettenettle - 1892 - Archdeacon McDonald
Jisus kreist nyiwhe kukwadhut ako nyiwhahsi vi hlukwinadhun kechid - New Testament in Tukudh - 1920
Haida (Masset)
Saint Matthew giē giatlan las. = St. Matthew, Haida - 1891 - Rev. Charles Harrison
Old Testament Stories in the Haida Language - 1893 - Rev. Charles Harrison
The Gospel according to Saint Luke in Haida - 1899 - Rev. J.H. Keen
Kwakiutl (Kwak'wala)
Mi’kmaq (I believe these are Mi’kmaq for NB, NS and PEI)
Ae Buk ov Samz in Mikmak [The Book of Psalms in Mikmak] - 1859 - Silas Tertius Rand
The New Testament in the Micmac Language - 1871-1874 - Silas Tertius Rand
A Devotional Book of Selected Bible Verses - 1844 - Fredrick Augustus O'Meara
The Psalms of David - Oodahnuhmeähwine nuhguhmoowinun owh David - 1856 - Fredrick Augustus O'Meara
New Testament Selections - Katolik gagikwe-masinaigan - 1858 - Fredric Baraga
Salish (Kalispel, Flathead)
Some narratives, from the Holy Bible, in Kalispel - 1879 - Joseph Giorda
A portion of the gospel of Matthew in the Flathead or Spokan language - Rev. Elkanah Walker (This is not a link as I have not found a copy, but just the title in Bibliography of the Salishan Languages by J.C. Pilling, 1893)
The Gospel according to Saint Luke, translated into the Seneca tongue - 1829 - T. S. Harris
The Four Gospels in the Seneca Language - 1878 - Asher Wright
Hymnal in the Seneca Indian language - 1884 - John Wentworth Sanborn
Zimshian (Tsimshian)
Am da malshk ga na damsh St. Mark Ligi = The Gospel according to St. Mark - 1887 - William Ridley
Am da malshk ga na damsh St. Luke. Ligi = The Gospel according to St. Luke - 1887 - William Ridley